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Colombian visa requirements:
Passport and proof of onward/return ticket required for tourist stay of up to 180 days. Upon arrival the Colombian Immigration authority stamps a stay authorization, normally no longer than 90 days (extendible up to 180 days.) Minors (under 18), who are traveling alone, with one parent or with a third party must present a copy of their birth certificate and written authorization from the absent parent(s) or legal guardian, specifically granting permission to travel alone, with one parent or with a third party. This document must be notarized before a Colombian consular officer in the United States. Visa must be obtained before arrival for persons planning to do business, temporary work (consultant), and study. Anyone suspected of being HIV-positive will not be admitted without a waiver from a Colombian Consulate in the U.S.
IMPORTANT: The information appearing on this website is not necessarilly up to date. You must verify travel requirements with the Colombian Embassy or at one of their consulates prior to finalizing your travel plans.